Self-Government is the Answer

Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

Follow the Golden Rule

If we all followed the Golden Rule and did unto others as we would have them do unto us, then the world would be a beautiful, loving, peaceful, pleasant, productive place: everyone being responsible and doing their part, being a team player and giving more than you take, not pointing a finger and blaming others, but taking responsibility for yourself and your own actions or lack thereof. It would be like Christmas every day!

We have gotten it turned around backwards, where we are only concerned about ourselves, what’s in it for me, which causes us to self-destruct or implode, a.k.a. lust. When we live the way we were designed to live and the way the earth is created, what you want to reap you plant, you pay it forward and get paid back many times over what you desire. Then our lives grow and expand greatly. We get a handsome return on our investment!

“If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return. It will be packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated.” (Luke 6:38 CEV)

That is a universal law… seed, time, and harvest. No wonder we are reaping sickness, hate, division, anger, rage, murder, fear, manipulation, cheating and divorce, debt, etc. because that is what we are planting in our hearts and minds, and that is what we are giving away to others.

Take Personal Responsibility and Do Your Part!

I challenge you to read this letter and take note of any areas in your heart that need improvement… we all have them. Once you identify them, make corrections and adjustments to do YOUR part to “Make American Great Again!” What we plant on the inside will grow on the outside, so be careful little mind what you think, little mouth what you say, little ears what you hear, little eyes what you see…

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing!” Edmund Burke

Stop the Blame Game

Like the story of the woman caught in adultery in John 8, Jesus told the religious Pharisees who just wanted to point a finger of blame, shame, guilt, and condemnation… “He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” In other words, when you are pointing a finger at someone else, you have 3 more fingers pointing at you! None of us are perfect and never will be… we’re human! So, let’s stop the “blame game” and take responsibility for our own selves to do the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do. Practice Self-Government and govern our Self or Soul (mind, will, and emotions). Let’s quit being hypocrites like the religious crowd, and have humility, forgiveness, and compassion like Jesus did. Don’t fall into the devil’s trap like Adam and Eve and blame everyone else except little ole you. We all need to look in the mirror first like the Pharisees, then we won’t have anything left to say. We can have compassion because we know if it wasn’t for God’s grace, that would be us! We have enough to work on, without meddling in other people’s business. MYOB… Mind your own business!

It’s Show & Tell Time!

My challenge to you today is to step up to the plate and do YOUR part by doing good to overcome evil, turn the other cheek, pay it forward, be the first to forgive, and show mercy because you would want mercy. Show love and maybe win a friend instead of an enemy. Let’s actually model to the world what Jesus modeled to us, showing us what true love in action looks like. It’s Show time… not just Tell time! Let get out there in the world and BE the Church, not just hide behind some doors DOING church. Let’s Show people what True Love looks like, God’s kind of love. Let’s Show them what the fruit that God’s Spirit produces in us: love, joy, peace, patience (an ever temper), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentle, self-controlled. (Galatians 5:22-23). It goes on to say in verse 24 that those who belong to Christ fall in line and their conduct is controlled by His Spirit. That is a mouthful! Actions speak louder than words. Practice makes perfect. As we identify our areas of improvement and steadily practice perfecting our weak spots, we will be able to be a light in this dark world, and a model that brings them to the light of Truth where their lives can be transformed by His awesome Love!

This is the way we “Save Our Selves and Save Our World” from destruction… Self-Government and Following the Spirit. SHOW your Light and SPREAD His Love!

[Read Donald Trump letter]